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ARALPINOY.ORG INC (Aral Pinoy) is a non-stock, non-profit orga­ni­za­tion reg­is­tered under the laws of the Repub­lic of the Philip­pines with the Secu­ri­ties and Exchange Com­mis­sion (SEC) on August 11, 2010 with Com­pany Reg­is­tra­tion Num­ber: CN201012580 and Com­pany Tax Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Num­ber: 007–842-097

Lit­tle did I know and real­ize that a 2006 final paper require­ment in my doc­toral study has given birth to Aral Pinoy advo­cacy in 2009, even­tu­ally  has evolved and found its mean­ing, pur­pose and artic­u­la­tion in my 2011 dissertation.

By try­ing to embrace and prac­tice an eth­i­cal ped­a­gogy on how to be just and live in life-sustaining and life-giving rela­tion­ships, even­tu­ally series of Aral Pinoy’s pro­grams, projects and activ­i­ties have been done.

Aral Pinoy sim­ply means a Fil­ipino (Pinoy) Ped­a­gogy (Aral), which is basi­cally a tan­gi­ble man­i­fes­ta­tion of my hum­ble ini­tia­tive to cre­ate ethical-pedagogical bridge in con­crete action for pur­poses of val­ues re-orientation or for­ma­tion pro­gram for sus­tain­able liv­ing based on the prin­ci­ple of “Anu­mang nakapag-uugnay ay nakaka­pag­paluwag” as an alter­na­tive, truly Fil­ipino ethical-pedagogical frame.

The Fil­ipino value nakakaluwag is a dis­tinc­tive cul­tural fea­ture and a unique con­tri­bu­tion to the global ethic [uni­ver­sal value] for sus­tain­able liv­ing, and I have drawn upon our Fil­ipino cul­tural resource a hermeneu­ti­cal insight: “Anu­mang nakapag-uugnay ay nakaka­pag­paluwag” a Fil­ipino ethical-pedagogy in view of Four-fold Holis­tic Rela­tion­al­ity and at the same time as an inte­gra­tion (prin­ci­ple) that serves as a com­mon ground for sus­tain­able living.

There is a demand upon us to be a per­son of (1) God, for (2) oth­ers and for (3) cre­ation and there is a call to sac­ri­fice (4) our­selves on their behalf, to put aside self­ish­ness and be com­mit­ted for the cause of what will truly bring more ease in their lives (nakakaluwag) because in the final analy­sis and reflec­tion: anu­mang nakapag-uugnay sa (1) Diyos, sa (2) kapwa, sa (3) sar­ili at sa (4) kalikasan ay nakaka­pag­paluwag (rela­tion­ships with God, oth­ers, one­self and nature make for a life of ease.) In other words, “anu­mang nakapag-uugnay ay nakaka­pag­paluwag” (rela­tion­ships make for a life of ease).

To express and con­cretize the Fil­ipino value nakakaluwag is to share a help­ing hand (makipag-ugnay) and ease the life of oth­ers (kaluwa­gan).

For any help, please notify us at or 09178661006

Maram­ing maram­ing sala­mat po! (Thank you very very much!)

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