
Earn­ing a doc­toral degree is not easy for it is hard work. It is not sep­a­rated from the day to day per­sonal, fam­ily and work’s con­cerns. In other words, it is never detached from the life’s prob­lems and issues. A cer­tain Ender would be say­ing that, “Writ­ing is not sep­a­rate from the actual research. Writ­ing is how you explain your ideas, and for­mu­lat­ing those ideas into words can be very hard.”

But it is all more than that, and I must admit until now I can­not imag­ine myself get­ting through all these dif­fi­cul­ties, obsta­cles and chal­lenges. There is no easy way out, for it is worth the hard­ship to earn it. And I can do noth­ing if I put no great effort into it.

But what really upset me is when I learned that there is “an easy way out” for a cho­sen few.The full quo­ta­tion  below on Doc­tor­ate in Law is cited from Riziel Ann Cabreros:

Ear­lier in Decem­ber 2011, Rap­pler reported that Corona obtained his doc­tor­ate in civil law, summa cum laude, from the Uni­ver­sity of Sto Tomas (UST) with­out writ­ing a dis­ser­ta­tion and ful­fill­ing the required res­i­dency to qual­ify him for hon­ors. Corona was one of 6 grad­u­ates who got top hon­ors dur­ing cer­e­monies that com­mem­o­rated the university’s quadri­cen­ten­nial cel­e­bra­tions. UST, invok­ing aca­d­e­mic free­dom, had acknowl­edged it waived its usual dis­ser­ta­tion require­ment for the grant of a doc­tor­ate to Corona. —

Source: Corona lied about aca­d­e­mic hon­ors?
by Riziel Ann Cabreros
Posted on 03/14/2012 8:12 AM  | Updated 03/14/2012 8:37 PM

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