Circle of Compassion

The Fil­ipino value nakakaluwag is not only a wide locus where it made man­i­fest a global ethic [uni­ver­sal val­ues] and a sus­tain­able world­view of real­ity as inte­grated whole, it is fun­da­men­tally the con­di­tion for holis­tic rela­tion­al­ity, a cir­cle of com­pas­sion con­ducive to a free and secured life. As con­text of holis­tic rela­tion­al­ity, the Fil­ipino value nakakaluwag in cosmic-anthropological per­spec­tive is best described in Einstein’s words:

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Uni­verse,” a part lim­ited in time and space. He expe­ri­ences him­self, his thoughts and feel­ings as some­thing sep­a­rated from the rest a kind of opti­cal delu­sion of his con­scious­ness. This delu­sion is a kind of prison for us, restrict­ing us to our per­sonal desires and to affec­tion for a few per­sons near­est to us. Our task must be to free our­selves from this prison by widen­ing our cir­cle of com­pas­sion to embrace all liv­ing crea­tures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this com­pletely, but the striv­ing for such achieve­ment is in itself a part of the lib­er­a­tion and a foun­da­tion for inner secu­rity (Bhaneja, 2005, p. 7.)

Bhaneja, B. (2005). Albert ein­stein revis­ited: A cen­ten­nial rel­a­tiv­ity the­ory essay. Phi­los­o­phy and Social Action , 31 (1), 7–16.

“Our task must be to free our­selves from this prison by widen­ing our cir­cles of com­pas­sion to embrace all liv­ing crea­tures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Ein­stein Added August 7,2010 by Paul Gold­man of Wild Joy: The Ecsta­tic Poetry Source:



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