A Better Life

This site has all started from the inten­tion to share the fruit of my study to an offer to make it online for which I have to say yes. Thanks Ms. Judy Simp­son Vor­feld for rolling out a new word­press site for Ang KALUWAGAN ng Pamu­muhay – The EASEFULNESS of Liv­ing: www.kaluwagan.com

I was won­der­ing why would she do this, and then she told me: “Why would I offer to do this? Mr. Gary Ador Dion­i­sio says it well, “I believe that what I have right now that make me nakakaluwag sa buhay (live life with ease) are not because of my sheer luck or even my knowl­edge and infor­ma­tion but rather these are gifts of God to me.”

I read in one of her blogs her hus­band ques­tion: “What can I do to help make your life bet­ter?” Then I real­ized that I have sim­i­lar ques­tion: “Ano ang mag­a­gawa kong tulong para magka­roon ka ng KALUWAGAN sa buhay?”

Thanks Ms. Judy Simp­son Vor­feld, we have the same ques­tion of Sir Jack.


1 thought on “A Better Life

  1. For over a year I’ve been watch­ing (pri­mar­ily via Face­book) a group of lead­ers pas­sion­ate about the impor­tance of edu­ca­tion, health, the econ­omy, and com­mu­nity con­cerns for the dis­ad­van­taged. I see how many orga­ni­za­tions inter­act and join together to meet var­i­ous needs. I have seen gen­eros­ity and grace. And I see these lead­ers enrich­ing the lives of chil­dren (and often their fam­i­lies) so they can meet the future with con­fi­dence and joy.

    Dig­i­tal pho­tog­ra­phy makes these projects come alive for peo­ple around the globe. Its use in social media helps peo­ple like me feel a part of the process, and inspires many to live up to their potential.

    Some of the key peo­ple in these NGOs are bril­liant pho­tog­ra­phers. But just as key are those who show a com­mu­nity how to bet­ter har­vest sea­weed, or reclaim items to use for com­mu­nity bet­ter­ment. Or build Yel­low Boats.

    In study­ing these many NGOs, I notice that the lead­ers get their feet wet (lit­er­ally) and dig in the mud with oth­ers. They do not stand apart. If there is a project, every­one gets involved. If it’s time to replace those trees used to build Yel­low Boats, they plan for and plant those seedlings. Together.

    On March 17, I saw the com­ment by Anto­nio Ingles on Face­book: “I also wish to make my dis­ser­ta­tion be trans­formed into a book and to reach out to more peo­ple in con­vey­ing the Fil­ipino term/word/concept LIFE WITH EASE (NAKAKALUWAG),” and I thought, “I can’t help pub­lish his book in the tra­di­tional way, but I could cre­ate a web­site so he can at least pub­lish on the Internet.”

    That’s all I did. I just sprin­kled a lit­tle sun­shine. And I’m learn­ing more about the con­cept of NAKAKALUWAG. So it is my turn to say “Thank you.”

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